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Smaller and more attractive trash heap

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We need a smaller and less "pile of crap" trash heap. Either change the current model or give us a new one please.

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Yep, agreed, with the new cooking system, I could really use a small version of the trashheap to stand next to my oven. Maybe the size of a small barrel?

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I would just like it where you can use 1 kilo of oil or tar and light the damn thing on fire, so it "burns" everything in it up.  Maybe taking 5-15 mins to do so.


Edit:  I would also like the internal capacity to be able to hold ANY item.  I can't dispose of certain objects because they are "to big" like shipbuilding parts.


2nd Edit:  I think it would be really cool if the trash heap would burn for like 1-10 mins per kilo of material inside of it.  Thus it could be a bonfire, which could be seen for long distances, and could burn for a long period of time.

Edited by Tallios

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I'm with Tallios. The appearance of a trash heap is less important to me than one that is actually useful. As it stands, there's already very little reason to use one since you're better off sacrificing things, so it might as well at least be able to hold anything you can carry, like keystones.

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1 hour ago, Tryfaen said:

altar works pretty good in many cases


God damn it, this is why I said it needs to have no volume limits..... it's the other 10% of this that's to big. 


Pelts, keystones, hull planks, masts, and so on.... none of these things fit in a Altar, can't be sold on the token for many of them, and cannot be placed in a campfire forge or oven, even if they are burnable.


Sorry Trydaen the rage is at the comment, not you personally.

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Good idea Aeryck. Something the size of a large barrel would be nice, with also the ability to load and secure it to the ground. Then they would be more handy to place at various spots on deed where multiple objects were created. Mobility too. Also better than altars in several ways, including the ability for non pagan god followers to use them.



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Please and something we can plant on the highways around the world so people can drop corpses/junk/bits to help reduce littering.  I personally butcher and bury everything if i do not get distracted, but times when inventory becomes full and one has to drop stuff, piles of meat for example.   

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I like my trash heap. It really makes my 3pt shots look good, landing in a 4x4 box! Nothin but net ayyy.


Small cans would be nice. Alternate idea, how about..



You dump items in to can, they are packaged. up to 50 items per package or something  This package item goes in trash heap for the crows to drag out over your lawn.

I mean, the bagged refuse gets destroyed

Ship parts will magically shrink to fit in said bags.

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I almost suggested this the first week the cooking update came out. I would love a trash can for inside buildings, the heap is fine for outside, we could go empty trash cans into it if they fill up.

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