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Silver and gold tools???

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I see them all over the forum, but never for sale..... theyre not on the pedia, and ive never heard any mention in game.  Im assuming some kond of old giveaway, but what are these tools??? Can someone explain?

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I believe they were given out as rewards back in May for a treasure hunt done on Independence.

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Yeah, GM's made tools of unusual materials and gave them as rewards on various ocacionus as far as i know...

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13 minutes ago, elvenwing said:

Are they bettrr in some form? Less dam, higher sg, quicker use, something?

The only difference is material/method to improve, some bronze bows floating around are actually worse than there willow counterpart.

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18 minutes ago, elvenwing said:

Are they bettrr in some form? Less dam, higher sg, quicker use, something?


Nope. Well... mostly nope.


Advantages to tools made out of unusual or unique materials:

  1. Might be easier to improve, depending on the material. For instance, I'd rather improve something made out of iron than bronze. This is one reason I like my gold dioptra; high QL gold isn't exactly common, but it's better than having to deal with metallurgy.
  2. Training skills using tools not normally associated with that skill. For instance, improving a wooden backpack uses logs and carpentry tools, but still gives leatherworking skill.
  3. Avoiding some material properties, like flammability. I have an iron small barrel; I have no idea if it even fits in an oven or forge, but if it does, it won't burn up like a normal barrel.
  4. Not strictly related to material, but sometimes GM-spawned items have different weight or size as well. For example, the supreme tin shovel I have from the labyrinth event fits in a pottery jar (!) and weighs 0.50kg less than a normal shovel.
  5. Vanity. They're unique, and people as a rule like weird, unique stuff.
Edited by Ostentatio

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Given out for special occasions. Got my rare gold trowel by helping to rebuild Esteron starter town :) 

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