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[FIXED] The not so random hives locations.

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As the title says, hives are currently respawning at the same spot. Making the whole 'random' (re)spawn feature either buggy (or not a feature).


Addendum - After a bit of extra riding around, found 5 more hives on the exact same spots (pens/fences/exact trees)

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hm, 3 of my old wild hives havent respawned yet. I did come across 3 new ones when riding to where the old ones are, that werent there before.


But yeah, the season is still long, so they might respwan in those places again later.

Edited by Lycanthropic

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Few of the spots I know of have note respawned.

Best way to see if its random or not is , cut the tree down and if it regrows and hive pops back on it then you will know for sure.

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I've noticed this as well and already added it to the bug list.  I found that 3 wild hives near me went dormant instead of disappearing over the winter.  In the spring, they awoke in the same spot.  These hives never migrated during the year.  However, all the hives that did migrate to a domestic hive have not respawned in the same location.

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The surviving hives is one thing (maybe the only die in winter if they no longuer have honey to fill their needs) but the respawn occurs on hives that did migrate to domestic ones, at least on deliverance, that is.

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