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Hello all...!

I am trying to migrate an existing server onto another computer. I was given all of the data but I cannot get it working. I need some help from you smart people! ;)

Here are the files I have:


Database folder

Mods folder

I put them in the following file directory: "Steam> SteamApps> common> Wurm Unlimited Dedicated Server"


After I try starting to server, this is what happens:


After I try to start it again, I get the message "internal error objid is already in use"


Do I need to put the files somewhere else? Is there anything special I need to do? I'm trying to learn this myself but am getting stuck here. Any suggestions would be incredibly helpful. Thank you all ahead of time! :)

Edited by PinkishFloyd
I no longer need help on this subject

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 you also need ALL the map files too, as they are linked to the database.



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Also make sure you have the correct IP adress for the new computer set.

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I just figured it out! It had something to do with the server mod loader...but it works now!


I'm not sure how to close or delete this original post so could somebody do it for me? Thanks again!!! :D

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