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Prayer skill

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I reached a little under 40, (39.08), and this skill seems to be getting extremely cruel. I turn on wurm assistant and have it so my skill tab updates everytime. After 10 mins of praying i see that soul, religion, and some other soul skill is going up but absolutely no prayer skill. My altar is a Gold altar of Fo with 50ish QL. On the Niarja skill compare I see people have reached 60+, some even 86! Am I missing something? Should i pray at a 1ql wooden altar for skill? Can my friend cast Coc on an altar? my skillgain per hour is better on soul than it is prayer... So I know something is wrong.

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Praying skill has always been very slow to gain, but it's much faster now than when my friend got to 50 years ago so I think your problem is that you're comparing it to other skills. What my friend did was log in every time his sleep bonus was filled up in order to just spam pray until the bonus was gone and then log out again (but this was before nutrition was introduced, and now we have the turd bars too so you probably have to cook a crapton of ridiculous food types to fill your bars now). As far as I know altar type and QL do absolutely nothing for skillgain.


Good Luck

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20 hours ago, Aeris said:

What my friend did was log in every time his sleep bonus was filled up in order to just spam pray until the bonus was gone and then log out again (but this was before nutrition was introduced, and now we have the turd bars too so you probably have to cook a crapton of ridiculous food types to fill your bars now).


Oh god forbid you actually have to play the game, and can't just log on to spam for skill gains.

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Filling CCFP is also ridiculously easy, and would have absolutely no effect on praying or praying skill gain, unless you count the really small stamina usage. Even then, with those bars at 0%, you're the same as you were before the cooking update.

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