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[FIXED] Bugfix: Fog spiders should no longer spawn on deeds.

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Sitting on my deed cooking...and the fog rolls by...then I get '[09:54:50] An aged fog spider has arrived.' and get attacked by one from behind.


It promptly died for not using better discretion, but still...I thought they weren't supposed to spawn on our deeds now?

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They aren't supposed to spawn on deed.  I've not seen one on my deed since the fix.  If others know for a fact they are still spawning on deed, please post here so that the Devs can look into the fix again.


Please state the server when reporting.  Thanks!



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I've found at least 3 fog spider corpses on my pristine deed since the hotfix; the deed is locked down from mobs entering

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Has anyone else had this happen, other than the 2 people who have already posted, since the fix on December 15 2016?


Lisabet and Corsan, has this happened to you again since your last reports?

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Seen corpse of one a week ago on closed deed on Deli - today another one on my closed deed on Exo.

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I just had one spawn on deed and loved it loved it.  It is dead.  Send me more?

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Had one spawning on deed some days ago, on Pristine. Deeds is fully fenced in, and the fog spider spawned next to or in an arched walls building, but they are moving too fast to see the exact spawn location.


[20:50:18] A mature fog spider is dead. R.I.P.

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