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Can't Start Playing (New To Game)

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I cannot start up the game as whenever I click play this pops up in a red window:


Could not create window with selected width and height. The error was: <Pixel format not accelerated>
It's possible you might figure out what's wrong from the log file below, but if you can't, post the full log on the wurm online forums, and someone else might be able to help you.
Contents of console.log:
Time is Thu Dec 22 17:35:43 GMT 2016
Running client version 3.99zg
=== System information ===
Executing from C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\
Operating system: Windows 10 (arch: amd64, version: 10.0)
Java version: 1.8.0_111 (Oracle Corporation) <>
Jvm version: 25.111-b14 (Oracle Corporation) [Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM]
Available CPUs: 4
Dec 22, 2016 5:35:43 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init>
WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root 0x80000002. Windows RegCreateKeyEx(...) returned error code 5.
>>> Main thread exiting.
Loading character PimpYoda
Loading config default
Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\default\gamesettings.txt
Executing C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\default\keybindings.txt
Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\players\PimpYoda\password.txt
>>> LoginFrame queue entry exiting.
Saving props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\players\PimpYoda\password.txt
Saving props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\default\gamesettings.txt
Keybindings saved.
Loaded pack sound.jar (r1)
Loaded pack pmk.jar (r2930)
Loaded pack graphics.jar (r2936)
Options up-to-date!
Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\players\PimpYoda\playerdata.txt
Loading props file C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\players\PimpYoda\stats.txt
Preparing to enable console logging.
Now logging to C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\console.PimpYoda.log
=== Wurm options ===
animation_playback_self = 0
auto_mipmaps_enabled = 2
auto_run_source = 0
cavedetail = 2
censor_chat = true
collada_animations = 3
color_black = 0.0,0.0,0.0
color_cyan = 0.0,1.0,1.0
color_error = 1.0,0.3,0.3
color_fuchsia = 1.0,0.0,1.0
color_green = 0.08,1.0,0.08
color_grey = 0.5,0.5,0.5
color_lime = 0.0,1.0,0.0
color_maroon = 0.5,0.0,0.0
color_navy_blue = 0.23,0.39,1.0
color_orange = 1.0,0.5,0.0
color_purple = 0.5,0.0,0.5
color_red = 1.0,0.0,0.0
color_royal_blue = 0.23,0.39,1.0
color_silver = 0.75,0.75,0.75
color_system = 0.5,1.0,0.5
color_teal = 0.0,0.5,0.5
color_white = 1.0,1.0,1.0
color_yellow = 1.0,1.0,0.0
compressed_textures = false
compressed_textures_S3TC = true
contribution_culling = 150
custim_timer_source = 1
customTimer1 = -1|-1
customTimer2 = -1|-1
customTimer3 = -1|-1
customTimer4 = -1|-1
customTimer5 = -1|-1
debug_mode = false
depth_clamp_enabled = 2
disable_select_all_shortcut = false
display_settings = false:true:0:1024:768:32:-1:false:false
enable_contribution_culling = false
enable_debugs = false
enable_lod = true
enable_shift_drag = false
enable_vsync = true
engine_multithreaded = 0
event_log_rotation = 2
exec_source = 0
fast_yield = false
fbo_enabled = 2
fog_coord_src = 0
font_antialias = 2
font_bold = 11
font_default = 11
font_header = 24
font_italian = 11
font_monospaced = 11
font_static = 11
fov_horizontal = 80
fps_limit = 60
fps_limit_background = 30
fps_limit_enabled = true
free_look_mode_disable_on_close_component = false
free_look_mode_disable_on_combat = false
free_look_mode_disable_on_open_component = false
free_look_mode_sensitivity = 10
game_client_thread_priority = 2
glsl_debug_loading = false
glsl_enabled = 2
gpu_skinning = true
gui_opacity = 3
gui_skin = 1
has_read_eula = true
hide_inactive_friends = false
hide_menu_examine = false
hide_menu_no_target = false
hide_menu_spam_mode = true
hide_menu_stop = false
hide_onscreen_fail_messages = false
hide_onscreen_hostile_messages = false
hide_onscreen_info_messages = false
hide_personal_goal = false
high_res_binoculars = true
hint_texture_scaling = 1
impColumn = true
inverse_mouse = false
irc_log_rotation = 2
irc_notif = 0
item_creature_render_distance = 3
key_bindings_source = 0
keyboard_layout = 0
loadInventoryStartup = true
local_list_in_event = false
lod = 1
log_extra_errors = false
log_gl_errors = false
mark_text_read = true
material_as_suffix = true
max_texture_size = 2
mega_texture_size = 6
model_loader_thread_priority = 2
model_loading_threads = 1
mount_rotation = false
multidraw_enabled = 2
no_brightness = false
no_terrain_render = false
no_world_render = false
non_power_of_two = 2
occlusion_queries_enabled = 2
offscreen_texture_size = 2
other_log_rotation = 2
outline_picking = true
player_texture_size = 2
reflection_texture_size = 2
reflections = 2
release_context = false
release_context_on_jogl_sleep = false
remember_password = true
render_distant_terrain = true
render_glow = false
render_sun_glare = false
resident_models = false
save_skills_on_quit = false
screenshot_file_format = 1
season_override = 0
send_extra_tile_data = false
setting_timestamps = true
settings_version = 3
shadow_level = 0
shift_drag_default = 10
showKChat = true
show_body_in_inventory = false
show_old_quickbar = false
silent_friends_update = false
skillgain_minimum = 1
skillgain_no_alignment = true
skillgain_no_favor = true
skydetail = 1
sound_al_gain = 15
sound_buzzlevel = 2
sound_cache_enabled = true
sound_doppler_enabled = false
sound_engine = 2
sound_footstepslevel = 10
sound_music_level = 5
sound_play_PMAlert = false
sound_play_ambients = true
sound_play_buzz = true
sound_play_combat = true
sound_play_door = true
sound_play_emotes = true
sound_play_footsteps = true
sound_play_music = true
sound_play_weather = true
sound_play_work = true
stipple_enabled = true
structure_render_distance = 3
submit_client_data = 1
terrain_bump = true
terrain_res = 2
test_attach_equipment = false
test_mode = 0
thirdPerson = false
tile_transitions = true
tiledecorations = 2
togglePushToTalk = true
treelist_outline = true
trees = 3
update_optional = true
use_alpha_particles = true
use_anisotropic_filtering = 2
use_antialiasing = 1
use_color_picking = true
use_fast_clock_work_around = true
use_fbo_color_picking = true
use_nagles_algorithm = false
use_nano_timer = false
use_non_alpha_particles = true
use_phobia_models = false
use_tree_models = true
use_weather_particles = true
vbo_enabled = 2
viewport_bob = true
water_detail = 2
Setting up Collada Model Loader
Setting up WurmModel Model Loader
Executing C:\Users\USERNAME\wurm\configs\default\keybindings.txt
Translating legacy key PAGE_UP to PRIOR
Translating legacy key PAGE_DOWN to NEXT
Translating legacy key ENTER to RETURN
Word filter loaded: 23
Starting job manager with 3 worker threads
>>> Launch queue entry exiting.
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=2)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=0)
Failed to create window (Depth=8, AA level=0)
Retrying main resolution (1/4)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=2)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=0)
Failed to create window (Depth=8, AA level=0)
Retrying main resolution (2/4)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=2)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=0)
Failed to create window (Depth=8, AA level=0)
Retrying main resolution (3/4)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=2)
Failed to create window (Depth=24, AA level=0)
Failed to create window (Depth=8, AA level=0)
Retrying main resolution (4/4)
Failed to create display: 1024:768:0:0 (false)
Wanted mode: display_settings = false:true:0:1024:768:32:-1:false:false
Execution aborted at connection 0, iteration 0
Run time 0s, local time Thu Dec 22 17:35:54 GMT 2016
Destroying game window
====== CLIENT CRASH ======
Could not create window with selected width and height.
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method)
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow(
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
 at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(
 at com.wurmonline.client.hzBVpzQFBz.BILF1iey6X(SourceFile:456)
 at com.wurmonline.client.hzBVpzQFBz.FZOk5L6Gfy(SourceFile:99)
 at Source)
Can someone PLEASE help me, the trailer looked awesome and I want to play.

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Pixel format not accelerated means your graphics drivers are not OpenGL compatable try installing some newer drivers.

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