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Better indication of snow on tiles

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Right now, there's essentially no indication that a tile has snow. Worse, there's no indication that a tile even might have snow, which is especially bad since it starts appearing before winter technically starts and the graphics change.


There's essentially no way for a new player to know that snow exists, or is currently available, unless they happen to be right-clicking on tiles or someone tells them about it. This is a bit of an interface problem, especially since you could, for example, be using keybinds to forage for an hour straight and still have no idea snow might be on those tiles.


This feature, in general, needs to be more discoverable. Maybe snow should only be available after the actual graphics switch when winter comes along, or maybe there should be some mouseover text, or something. Even if you know snow is "in season", having to right click tiles and get a context menu to refresh is kind of obnoxious, similar to how checking planters for herbs is obnoxious. Planters are a little better since you can use the new PICK keybind to check without having to load the menu, but there's no such option for snow.

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Seems fine now, but maybe adding the "mouse over" like when it says "flowers" it can saw "snow" also if there's snow to be collected from it.


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