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2016/12/22 Xanadu Rift

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[02:42:15] A new Rift has been reported!

[03:01:07] <Morhedron> the new rift is at O-13.  northern edge near the center.  just off the road a short distance



Edited by Morhedron
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Map Location, O-13



Edited by Legios

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Minor correction to the coordinates± it´s O-13, not O-10.



As for the rift itself, I won't there this time as well, since I'm still at Shrimpie's Crashalong and even if I'm sailing home today won't able to pick up all the items needed to deal with rift monsters.


I dunno who's going to be there, but for those who do: Good luck and have fun!



Thorin :)

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This might be a rift where invaders actually win. 6 hours before start there is zero tents. Xanadu is doomed!!!

But if anyone actually wants to fight, bring clay for a forge, bowl and clay for an altar :P

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Too early in the am for me, plus otherwise occupied with the Impalong. Good luck to everyone!

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6 hours before rift there were no tents, no healing area, no housing, no preparation whatsoever except some cut trees.


The healing area got finished just 5 minutes before rift opened and it turned out to be quite fun, not as hard as I had expected. We had no Fo priests and mass healings, but people fought carefully, not pulling all the spawns at once. More serious injuries I was able to patch up with my Nahjo priest. 

Good fight everyone, Xanadu is safe once again!



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Thanks for the heals!  Bluegiraffe, Guztan, and all you scale wearers!

I feel pretty tough for my 1st rift in studded leather...



Edited by dexman76

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