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Has there been a change to horse speeds on steep slopes?

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When travelling on the Mag Scar 'speedways' (steep slopes for horses only) I noticed that my horse was travelling much slower than I remembered. I thought it was just me, but the Scar's workcrew had noticed it as well.


Some rough testing with different horses when I got home pointed to the speed reduction as the slope got steeper to be percentage based, as my usual mount (5s HH with gear, 38 kph on flat ground) seemed to be suffering a greater penalty than an ungeared horse, rather than a flat reduction of -x kph per slope

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did you check if he is hungry or did he age maybe?

if not then maybe you are right


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I noticed the same, actually it seemed as if it was more noticable on the back of a horse 5 speed horse with very good saddle and horseshoes (I could outrun a troll going upwards 30-40 slope) than on a cart (that seemed to be still about the same as before) 
Currently it seems I can go up the ramp on back of a horse with 2-5km/h :/

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As far as i can see, nothing has been changed with speeds or slopes.

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On 21/12/2016 at 3:07 PM, Retrograde said:

As far as i can see, nothing has been changed with speeds or slopes.


I don't know, it certainly 'feels' like something has changed. I was doing a run the other night to get a Genesis cast on a hellhorse then make a delivery. HH was doing 38 km/h on flat ground, but dropped to 12-14 (that wasn't consistently an identical number, so there is an element of randomness somewhere) going up a 20 slope. I kept it well fed just to rule that out

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