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Minor wooden bench positional issues

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  1. Wooden benches appear to be positioned slightly above the ground. I have one planted in a building, and I can see the floor underneath the bench move (relative to the bench) as I walk around, and it seems pretty clear the bench is a few inches off the floor. If I back up a few tiles, I can actually see the wall behind and underneath the legs.
  2. Sitting on the "left" or "right" of a wooden bench is reversed, i.e. choosing to sit on the left puts you on the right side and vice-versa.
Edited by Ostentatio

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Items that seem to have the floating-above-the-floor problem:

  • Chair
  • High Chair
  • Pauper's High Chair
  • Wooden Bench

I'm sure there are others, but that's what I know of at the moment.

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