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Conversion from BL to WL on Chaos erases Faith on Freedom servers

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Avatar is a Libila follower on Chaos in Ebonaura kingdom and a Magnaron follower on Freedom.   On Chaos, when changing from the Ebonaura to Freedom kingdom, it wiped out all Magnaron faith on Freedom servers.  It seems like there should have been a check in this situation to enable the Magnaron follower status with the existing Freedom faith level upon conversion to Freedom.

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I am not sure if it is a bug though. It was always like this. Converting from BL to white kingdom always wiped out your faith on freedom server as well. 

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Thats an old conversation with one of GMs


[22:56:30] <Bangzuvelis> i was vynora on freedom with 30 faith
[22:56:37] <Bangzuvelis> how that will work there and here now?
[22:56:45] <xxxxx> what are you here?
[22:56:54] <Bangzuvelis> I think I am nothing
[22:57:52] <xxxxxx> my brain tells me that you will be 0 there also. cause when you cross over you will over write the faith since you are no longar a hots based kingdom
[22:58:21] <Bangzuvelis> thats fine

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gala its a bug put in a ticket . your char is buged BL can not be mag/vyn/fo so it should of keep you mag on freedom.



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I submitted ticket #142017 and CM Fireriders responded:


<Fireriders> i have been told its normal to lose the freedom faith when converting


I don't understand why it's intentional.   It does not make any sense why BL have to pray independently for Lib on Chaos and also a WL deity while on Freedom (double the amount of prayers for faith gain), only to have the Freedom WL deity faith wiped out when converting to WL kingdom on Chaos.  A check in the code should set the post-conversion deity and faith to be equal to what is currently set for Freedom if existing.


No Crusader followers or priests lost their diety and faith when they converted from JK.  I know it's a different since converting from WL to WL, but there should either be a mechanism in place to allow BL conversions without affecting Freedom diety and faith, or at least a manual process for a GM to restore the Freedom faith.  They would not even do that.


<me> Can it be restored?
<Fireriders> no because its intended to be like this


I'm not asking for anything not already earned.  I put in the time and effort to pray for the WL diety while on Freedom, therefore I should be able to keep it.

Edited by Galatyn

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It is broken like it is.. and its all because of BL WL bs.. gala sail to freedom and put the ticket back in... choas sever messed up ya freedom faith...


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i had this happen to my fo Priest  when we joined MR was forced to drop lib on choas  even thow i was lib in MR.. broken.. and it messed up his faith on freedom..  it was put back to 100faith fo thats becuz he is like he is

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