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Wurm University's PMK Design Competition!

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Hello all,


We are creating a competition for the design of Wurm University's Kingdom Tabard / Flags / Wagon and Military Tent. We will be taking submitted concept designs for a couple of templates. The templates we want to see as the concept design at a minimum is:


  • The Tall Banner
  • Flag


All other templates can be submitted, but we realize that the time frames (with people going on vacation) is a little short, so many may be only to provide the minimum templates.


Wurm University will then post them in a thread with a poll and allow the Wurm community to vote on the best looking concept design! The winner will be announced and Wurm University leadership will work with the winner to complete the other templates based on the winning design.


The winner will receive 2 full kingdom PMK sets , small moon metal set , 2 x NoGump Hota Statues and an 80QL Rare sailing Boat!




1 Kingdom PMK set = 2 x Tall Kingdom Banner, 2 x Kingdom Banner, 2 x Flags, 1 x Wagon & 1 Military Tent 

All concept designs are to be PM'd to this forum account (TheDean), by the 26th of December 2016.

A Wurm forum vote will be publicly released on the 26th of December which will run until the 6th of January.

The Wurm PMK graphics template can be found here:


For those of you wondering what Wurm University is, please see the link below:


If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to ask in here or PM me directly thanks.





Edited by TheDean

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I have no real design skills, but I feel like it would be great if they looked like the sort of thing an actual university would have.

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5 hours ago, Retrograde said:

Can I win?


As we're hoping to get the whole community involved, anyone is welcome to create a design, and we'd love if the Community Relations Coordinator made one for the community to vote on! @Saromancould do a design as well(hinthint)

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We have updated our idea about the designs. In consultation with well known Kingdom template designers, it's been highlighted that our time frames for submission of a full template design was too tight. So, we haven't changed the time frame but will instead be requesting submission of the Tall Banner and Flag as a concept design for the Wurm community to vote on. This winner will then consult with Wurm University leadership for the remaining templates and then received the prize.


This way there's only two templates (arguably the easiest) to design to submit within in the time frame.


Good luck

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Just to clarify:


All concept design submissions are to be submitted via PM to this account.




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We now have one Design that has been submitted still looking for more!

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We have had a few questions on what colors we want.


Just wanted to let everyone know that this is totally up to you and essentially this is out of our hands and the decision will come down to what the Wurm Community wants.


Had some great ideas come in and look forward to receiving more designs.

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bump we have received a two great designs and would like a couple more if possible thanks!

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Only 5 more days for concept design submissions.


Remember, you'll be the first to receive a full set of kingdom set plus the other cool prizes.



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Competition Extension,


Hello all due to the time of year we have had a couple of requests for an extension to allow time to finish of their designs ..


We will be extending to the 26th of December .. this is the date that we will publicly be announcing the submissions as well.


if the designs are not in on 26th there will be no more extensions.


any questions please forward them through to me

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18 minutes ago, Lordterrabyte said:


I'm quite certain a winner was picked a long time ago.  At least I seem to remember that happening.

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