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[Done] Harvest Seasons

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page  needs updating with new harvestables


Pinenuts (pine tree) Default week is Starfall Diamonds week 1.

Hazelnuts (hazel bush) Default week is Starfall Dancers Week 4.

Hops. (Hope trellis) Default week is Starfall Fires Week 3.

Acorns (Oak tree) Default week is Starfall Snake Week 2.

Orange (Orange tree) Default week is Omens Week 3.


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Updated, also added trellis to rose and grape listing



Edit: Not sure who does the graphic, will have to ask.

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1 hour ago, Retrograde said:

Updated, also added trellis to rose and grape listing



Edit: Not sure who does the graphic, will have to ask.

It says the source under the image.

 " (Image taken from Yaga's "WurmClock V3", by courtesy of Yaga.) "

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Edit: Not sure who does the graphic, will have to ask.


May want to wait until WurmClock harvest calendar has icons for hop harvest adding, they are currently missing.

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