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Remove Epic Portal Cooldown

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Remove Epic Portal Cool down; or give it a 5 minute timer (you stand there until timer is up)

I've spoken with many freedomys/epicans who wouldn't mind dabbling around on Epic/Freedom/Chaos but the 1 hour cool down is a bit excessive; Sometimes my friend from Freedom just wants to come over and harvest his farm but he feels stuck for the other 30 minutes doing nothing, I feel it just adds a reason Not to portal cross. 

Removing this would stop punishing those who play both servers with almost no damage to epic/chaos. 

Most people who play both servers just use different toons so if there is an argument for portal crossing to be somewhere then they can just log in a seperate toon and do that. 

For me; I feel like this doesn't need to be a thing anymore; unless somebody can explain why

Edited by Mclovin

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i never understood why this was a thing. I wouldn't even understand the 5 min cooldown honestly until it could be explained as to why. 



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Idk if enemy in local stops you; but yeah, I don't know why it's there. 

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8 minutes ago, Mclovin said:

if enemy in local stops you




and yes to remove when i tried playing both clusters years back it was awful, i portal to repair my stuff once a year because of this timer

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+1 I play both, would be nice to move more freely between the 2.


+ 1 to enemy stopping you on the side your porting from


- 1 to enemy stopping you on the side your porting too

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As long as you keep any PVP protections in place so people can't abuse it, and perhaps a 15min timer or something so people aren't abusing the portal going in and out over and over causing lag?

Edited by Roushi

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I wouldn't mind a small limit such as a 5 minute action timer; not 1 hour. 

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There is no reason for any arbitrary time wasters it already blocks crossing with enemy, just make it like the spawn portals and be done with it.

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Maybe keep the cooldown for player made portals but have a new fixed portal (that could only be built on epic in your capital) with no timer attached and have the Fixed freedom portal on Indy or another pve server. That way people cant use it to defend both clusters *epic-chaos*(even thou it would still be a lot faster than it is now) at the same time but its also not making people wait for no reason.





Just have it so when you activated the epic portal you had two locations either the last place you activated or fixed. (but could see this being used as a fast travel method)


Was thinking about that ^  but it would let you travel from chaos --> epic ---> freedom with no risk of losing gear. So only way it could work is if fixed portals only connected to themselves and not player portals..... maybe its just easier to remove cooldowns :blink:

Edited by Riddic

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That doesn't even make sense, you're saying it has to be tied to a capital so only those on elevation can use it and only if they happen to be friends with the right people? why be so exclusive? Is it really that game breaking for you if someone can defend their home on either cluster that they play on? Is it a problem that you don't play on two clusters and someone else does? How is it different to using two different toons for each cluster and just logging in when you get warning to. The way they work now is fine except for the outdated cool down which has since been made redundant by other bandaids such as not being able to portal in combat or with enemy in local now.

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When put like that yeah I agree +1 to remove


Was there a reason for it when it first came out, you call it redundant and refer to the local check as the reason for it now being redundant seems an excessive cooldown if it was only for that but if so then its time for it to go.

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