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[Fixed] "Cooked meat" examines as raw

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I took the old item "cooked meat" out of my food storage bin as raw meat, wrapped it, and cooked it in the oven. Once recooked, I examine it and it says: [12:59:25] Raw meat from an animal. This has a poor nutrition value.


When frying the raw meat, the examine text is fine. Might just be the cooked meat version.


This item is probably not going to exist much longer, not sure if this even matters enough to change it :P Though I do have 7000 in storage, so maybe others do too.

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Also -- when in the oven, when it becomes cooked meat, the graphic to the left stays looking raw. Once taken out into inventory, it is the cooked graphic icon.

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Verfied and added because the same also happens with the new meat if you wrap it and cook it.  Thanks for the report.

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