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[Done] Processed food items

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After recent cooking update processed food items cannot longer be stored in fsb/crates.


"Only unprocessed food items can be stored that way."


As far as I checked, it goes for:




" Bread can be stored in a food storage bin for later use. Stored bread uses units of 0.70 kg instead of the 1.30 kg before storage. "


Cooked meat

" However, cooked meat can be fileted. It is easier to store cooked meat in a food storage bin and then filet it afterwards. "



I'am not much into cooking, so cannot give more items, but probably all processed food items act like this.

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Thank you ! 

Updated the bread page, removing FSB info.

Completely changed the cooked meat page, as that item is outdated now. 


Thanks for the info :) 

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