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[Resolved] More Hive issues

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Domesticated beehives - I have 7 to look after - do no longer produce any wax. In the past few days all my wax has been coming from wild hives only.


Beehives are placed on deed, are locked, in a locked 7x9 field of flowers. 


They are also producing very very small amount of honey. It is hard to tell but it almost would seem like the lower ql hives produce more honey than the higher ql ones.


I have checked ranging from a 95 ql to a 50 ql hive, and the latter produced the most; with some of the 90 ql hives inbetween producing 0 honey in 9 hours. The hives all have 1 kg of 91 ql sugar in them to be sure the bees do not consume their own honey.

I have started to replace - after reporting these numbers - the flowers with orange trees to see if this affects the yield somehow.


Now It is hard for me to tell since I do not know how large their foraging range is or if they are somehow affected by enchanted grass; but this may be a problem. Either way, standing in a field of flowers, a 90 ql hive should not fail to produce any honey for 9 hours straight - three full ingame days.

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According to Pandalet post, your hives are prolly competiting for the flower fields and you will have to spread them around WAY much to get honey (and wax).

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5 minutes ago, Odynn said:

According to Pandalet post, your hives are prolly competiting for the flower fields and you will have to spread them around WAY much to get honey (and wax).



An excellent link! I had not seen that. the single 95 ql hive is then taking up the entire 7x9 flower field I have planned out, and some more. WIth that said, there is no wax being produced still. I did not realise these hives needed such an enormous amount of room to forage from.

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How bee hive spacing works in real life:











Brought to you by the people who insist Cows can't Swim





Edited by Brash_Endeavors

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1 minute ago, Brash_Endeavors said:

How bee hive spacing works in real life: <snip>


Ikr... My dream apiary is gone and my hives are spread out on my deed now... Not only it look bad but the message about bees is highly annoying.


Would still fit better in the suggestion forum though.

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got hives all over my main deed and expanding to my other deeds, its silly, I was really enjoying the bee hive addition too


they really should be able to share the same flowers, I would be fine with that, and will have to shelve my idea's about 100 hives on a deed, but it would at least give me room for a dozen or so

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A rough guide:

1ql - 2 tile radius

10ql - 4 tile radius

25ql - 6 tile radius

50ql - 8 tile radius

75ql - 10 tile radius

90ql - 10 tile radius

95ql - 11 tile radius




so a 90 ql hive produces the same as a 75 ql hive, then?

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18 hours ago, Alyeska said:

A rough guide:

1ql - 2 tile radius

10ql - 4 tile radius

25ql - 6 tile radius

50ql - 8 tile radius

75ql - 10 tile radius

90ql - 10 tile radius

95ql - 11 tile radius




so a 90 ql hive produces the same as a 75 ql hive, then?


It seems that way - however, your honey and wax should be the quality of the hive.


Closing this for now as there is no bug.  The wax issue was changed in the last update - so give it a while before opening another bug on that.  I personally still have not seen wax in my hives, but we just had the patch, so waiting.



Suggestions for changes should go into the suggestion forum as that is monitored by the devs as well.  Mixing bugs and suggestions is not a good mix and one or the other gets overlooked.


Thanks for the reports.

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