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[Fixed] Cooking Oil + Frypan bug

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So, I was realizing I was getting really low on fennel oil, and I was talking with a friend about the other oils that could be made...and I went and made some cottonseed oil because I have almost 1K cotton and figured I could use that instead....and I happened to stumble across what is apparently a bug.

I happened to be dragging the cottonseed oil over a container that had fennel oil inside it...and accidentally let go a smidge too soon...and it disappeared on me. So I was like...'Wait, what?' 'Where'd it go?' Then I started investigating.

It turns out...if you drop fennel oil inside a frypan (Mine is rare, so maybe it's just rare frypans?) and drop cottonseed oil in it, it combines the two liquids into one. Then I noticed it seemed like I had a bit more weight of fennel oil, so I went and tried to make some more cottonseed and tried adding to it again, and yes, it increases the weight of the fennel oil.

Then I tried moving the fennel oil out of it...and putting cottonseed oil in it.....and added fennel oil...and it combined the fennel oil with the cottonseed then I realized this may be an exploitable bug to increase the weight of the oils...say if you have crazy piles of cotton, you could make a ton of fennel oil, without actually using any fennel.

So I reported it in-game...and the support person I had contact with in-game suggested I post it in here too. According to the document they linked me : Google Doc on cooking it says at 7.2.5 that " Note that different cooking oils may not be combined by dragging into the same container. "

This is combining liquids in a container, and therefore a bug, and also possibly an exploit-able one at that.

I assume this needs fixed pronto...

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While yes, you are not supposed to be able to combine oils in that manner, the line after the one you pasted does still hold true.


Note that different cooking oils may not be combined by dragging into the same container.  They can be combined by activating one and r-clicking on the other, though - the resultant oil will have the same type as the active oil. 


As long as 0.5kg of cottonseed oil + 0.5kg of fennel oil equals 1kg of either type it's not an exploit, just a bug that needs fixed.  If they combined to 1.5kg for example, then it would be exploitable as the .5kg didn't exist prior.


I do agree though that it shouldn't combine the way you do it, it should require you activating one and using it on the other.

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I'm seeing a few oddities with cooking oils so I'm going to tag this as a bug and add it to the bug I have opened until it's sorted out as to whether the document is in error or the oil or both.  Thanks for the report.

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