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FIXED: Drag to new Container loses rare for liquid

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jar containing .0.18 kg of rare hazelnuts oil

measuring cup set at 50 grams


Using left-click drag, dragged rare hazelnuts oil into measuring cup.



jar containing 0.13 kg of rare hazelnuts oil

measuring cup of 0.05 hazelnuts oil                                         <--(NOT RARE)


Just dragging the rare oil from one container to another caused it to lose its 'Rare' status.  No other liquids were in the measuring cup it was dragged into, and the measuring cup was at room temperature, not in a heat source.

Edited by Tristanc

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As far as I know, the rarity is kept only if you drag the entire quantity at once in a different container, able to hold the entire amount (same for enchanted water); trying to move a smaller portion will make that one lose rarity/enchantment.

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Okay, that likely explains it.  But there was no warning that it would lose the rarily when the partial amount was dragged into an empty container.


In testing further, I found that there was correctly a warning (and it prevented the dragging) trying to drag more of the rare hazelnut oil into a container that had non-rare hazelnut oil already in it.


Thank you for the response.  I'll test out moving the entire contents into a container with room for the whole thing later.

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Thank you for the response.  Please consider this thread's issue settled and closed.


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