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Improved Combat Logger

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Implement the combat logger in the thread to WO. Thanks.


ps. code is public, so go fetch it devs. minimal work involved for combat QoL.

Edited by Zekezor

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That would be nice.  Having floating tabs would be cool also, so I can see combat log and event log at the same time.

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also can you add floating tabs / floating local list / saving your inventory item placement on logout already?

i mean come on, get this UI fixed please :/

Edited by Quicktor

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after a while you wouldnt even need to read...the colors would stick to your head

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It would be exceptionally easy for the Wurm Online developers to achieve this effect. All that is necessary is changing sendCombatNormalMessage() to sendCombatServerMessage() and include the color code you want for each one. Not only is it literally that simple, but in theory it actually improves server performance (very insignificantly, but it does) because it all sendCombatNormalMessage does is... well.. call sendCombatServerMessage with pre-defined color of white...

    public void sendCombatNormalMessage(String message) {
        this.sendCombatNormalMessage(message, 0);

    public void sendCombatNormalMessage(String message, byte messageType) {
        this.sendCombatServerMessage(message, -1, -1, -1, messageType);

If the Wurm Online devs do decide they want this sort of thing, then feel free to use the source code here to track down where the changes need to be made:


BetterCombatLog Source (Hastebin)

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i agree we need different colors for things at minimum, but the ones in that mod seem all too bright for me to enjoy personally

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