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CCFP Penalty

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I'm just curious if CCFP is working as intended and/or if my observations are way off.


My animals, and myself using refresh, are becoming hungry/thirsty noticeably more quickly.


My pigs/dogs could nibble on a pile of corn or pumpkin for a week before.. and after the update they will plow through it in a day.  This increses their food needs by magnitudes.

When I go about my activities (with refresh) I am noticing i need water more quickly, and my "full-ness" does not last as long



I realize that for myself, using refresh - that there is a fresh update that should let me use CCFP and also refresh on top-- which is very nice...

HOWEVER.. it is stated in the google doc that has been released that there should not be a penalty for low CCFP.


V1.2 - Pandalet, 1 Nov 2016

  • Added quick start section

  • Noted gardening used for trellises

  • Noted low CCFP values don’t penalise

  • Noted that distillables now have a fermented intermediate

  • Corrected flower storage info


Is anyone else noticing this?

Can the old "un-penalized" rate for refresh/animals be reinstated?  Even if it was just to remove CCFP penalty from animals like pig/dog...

Edited by Hannaliese

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There isn't a penalty for CCFP. The statement is that with 99 nutrition, 99 water, 99 food and 0% CCFP you will receive the exact drains you would have gotten before the update, the CCFP system is ONLY bonus, the benchmark is still 0% on those.



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Thank you for the response, Retrograde.


What I'm observing is I am not getting the "exact drains you would have gotten before the update".

Neither are my animals (pigs, dogs)


CCFP seems to be "penalizing", instead of only being a bonus.

Edited by Hannaliese

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When someone asked about how to get to the old drain system, I clarified it with the dev team, the CCFP system adds only bonuses, it may simply feel faster without the bonus from CCFP's

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It feels to me as though it now takes longer for stamina to begin regenerating after you finish your last action. It feels about 1 second longer than before. Is this intended? Does increasing ccpf decrease this delay?

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     I understand what you are saying that there is not supposed to be a penalty, and that you clarified this with the devs.

This clarifies to me what what I am experiencing must in fact be buggy.


     I understand doubt that I am wrong and that my drain "simply feels faster" -- Heck, I would doubt myself (even though I have yet to even use CCFP to influence my "feeling" of comparison in that respect) ....if I was not also noticing exponential more food usage from my animals.


     I would even "live" (not incredibly happily, but.. live) with just myself not staying hydrated/full as long with low/no CCFP - and being told I was just imagining things.



But the *very* much increased huger of my animals is what is really bothersome.

It is much harder to *"simply feel"* that my pigs/dogs are eating a whole pile of vegetables in one day.. as opposed to over the course of a week- prior to the update.



I'm not trying to put down the food update, or even critique refresh in light of the update.

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The code has been checked, there is no change to that.


7 minutes ago, McGarnicle said:

It feels to me as though it now takes longer for stamina to begin regenerating after you finish your last action. It feels about 1 second longer than before. Is this intended? Does increasing ccpf decrease this delay?

if you're on xan, it could be increased lag, there's some floating issues with that that are being looked at.

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4 minutes ago, Retrograde said:

if you're on xan, it could be increased lag, there's some floating issues with that that are being looked at.


nah I get this on epic too but it's random and existed pre 1.3, no reason or reproduce I can think of

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I was having the feeling that food and water are getting down much faster than usually since the update and because of that I'm now cooking much more than I did before the update, but I also have to admit that I have no good way of comparing, besides saying that it usually took a day to drain my food and i would have rarely fasted before the update, while after the update i was fasting the first day 3 times....

are the amount of actions one is doing draining food and water faster? because that could explain it somewhat, since I was crafting and building and such much more now.

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In the weeks *before* the update (the largest one just a day or so before it - but at least once, maybe twice earlier also) I observed exactly this - food and liquid suddenly going down markably faster then before. To the point I was muttering to myself about 'better tie a large barrel onto my back next time I go for a ride which lasts more then one hour'.

I have a hunch that some didn't experience these tweaks, now do experience it, and tie it to the cooking-update. I'm not saying those tweaks were done on purpose in the usual manner of 'lets lower what they are used to, and then 'reward' them if they do something by getting back to what it used to be' (granted that *was* my first thought, seeing this happen with the update close and then about to come in... experienced that all too often). Maybe the changes were the consequence of something else being changed though, with this as unnoticed side-effect. But I understand Retro saying that the cooking-update didn't cause it. I agree, something before that (probably their preparing for the update somehow) caused it, in several steps. It's definitely there though! The base-speed of food and water going down did indeed change, I'm not in doubt about that - and not because of xana either (experienced this on all servers).

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16 minutes ago, Retrograde said:



That (lack of) style of dealing with paying customers wouldn't fly in any other industry, and won't fly in the gaming industry forever.


Market's saturated as hell and it's a matter of time before players get fed up with companies' condescending attitude.  Hell, WO market saturated itself with WU.  Remember that.

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No change WHATSOEVER has been made to food or water drain during, or prior to the 1.3 update. Nothing about this has been changed at all.


There's only so many times this can be stated.

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I don't know about dogs, but my pigs have always been, well, pigs.  Putting a pile of random HFC grind meals in their pen, come back to no meals and a (briefly) full pig a day or so later.  I'm not seeing a huge increase in pig consumption, but then, I suspect my pigs are hungry at least some of the time anyway - you only need to feed them from time to time, rather than keeping a pile of food ready for them at all times.

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May not be related, but pregnant pigs and dogs especially go through food at an insane rate, back when i played WO and bred champion dogs, it was very easy to have the moms be at starving if I did not watch them real close. Not all animals were as bad.


If you have recently been breeding the pigs for cooking purposes (mmm bacon ,,,  or roast barbecued pig on a stick...)  the momma pigs might be scarfing food down at a highly accelerated rate than usual. Plus they can consume an entire pumpkin even if their hunger meter drops a sliver, they do not eat just enough to "top off" but consume a full unit for very small degrees of hunger, which makes the problem worse.  I had to give them smaller amounts more often rather than large piles to last days. If we could make BAKED DRIED KIBBLE out of food scraps, it would be easier to feed because then they eat small amount to top off instead of an entire pumpkin. 


if there has been no change in breeding -- then that's not the issue.





Edited by Brash_Endeavors

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     Perhaps you are more accurate on the timing.  Thank you for sharing what you've seen.



     You are correct about animal eating habits.  They don't partially eat food, and will eat if they are just a little bit less than full.  I also have observed that "pregnants" require more food. (I haven't breed recently, but I would assume it was still true anyhow). 

     I haven't been breeding recently, so I can't really compare if that too is greatly increased.  You keept pigs before recently "breeding the pigs for cooking purposes"?



Right now- as an example:

I'm sitting with my Mr. and Mrs. Piggies. 

These current two are cared for, and have had their fair share of little-bacon-bundles-of-joy.   They are not currently expecting any baby-bacons.  The live the good life chilling in their special pen, with a sign "Hanna's beloved pet piggies!", just outside my bedroom window, munching on food, rolling in dirt.. I dunno.. doing whatever pigs do, living high on the hog.

( I've also been keeping pigs far before these two, consecutively for.. I don't know how many years at this point).

I've not changed anything about my keeping of them.  But, as I have noted, I'm seeing them eat more.



 I'm sure now with all the 1.3 update more players will begin actually keeping these domestic animals. 


     In the past, pigs ate so much it basically physically hurt to try keep them alive...and many people complained about it over the course of a long time - and their hunger problems were made much less by the magic of code (Thank the good Fo!) -- It was good times.. good,good times. 

     Now, for whatever reason it seems to be a step back.  Long term I don't know if it will prove to be "physically painful" again.. but I know I already pine for a return of how it used to be, and seems to have changed with no documented or known reason.

     All the new bacon keepers will also feel the increased "pain".. they just wont have a comparison of how it was before whatever has "just" happened (and we are told nothing did happen) happened.


So,for the animals - I'm pretty convinced I'm not imagining things, and certain I am absolutely comparing apples to apples -- for my avatar with 0 CCFP w/refresh.. I'm pretty sure I'm also not imagining increased drain either.. *shrug*.  I'm not infallible - but I have had friends tell me they also have noticed these things. I guess I'll keep keeping an eye on it.


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