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Vote for WUA support on Citadel ;)

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The awesome guys are on the way, i just like to know if you are also interested that our hoster supporting this tool for us :)

Highfive to citadel, you are the best!


happy WUrming

Eject / Orakel


Edit: Here is the WUA Tool 


Edited by Eject

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I am wondering what you mean? What is WUA? Did CS have another big update?

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13 hours ago, Malky said:

I am wondering what you mean? What is WUA? Did CS have another big update?

Sorry i foreget the Link

OP updated



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The only way they would be able to add this is if they included a web server along with the WU server because as of right now WUA needs to communicate with the SQL files directly. I haven't taken a look at what they offer with the WU server but CS and I talked briefly and I believe they're looking for a tool that does everything over RMI instead of relying on SQL files.

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On 06/01/2017 at 3:34 AM, Coolboy said:

The only way they would be able to add this is if they included a web server along with the WU server because as of right now WUA needs to communicate with the SQL files directly. I haven't taken a look at what they offer with the WU server but CS and I talked briefly and I believe they're looking for a tool that does everything over RMI instead of relying on SQL files.


Hi Coolboy, i can confirm we are developing a intergrated webserver per each client, we will be supplying WUA to all clients and will be offering a live SQLITE editor also for our clients to manage their databases efficiently, we don't have an ETA for release yet however

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Thank you for realizing my two proposals.

You are my best WU Hoster :)



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On 1/8/2017 at 0:02 AM, CitadelServers said:


Hi Coolboy, i can confirm we are developing a intergrated webserver per each client, we will be supplying WUA to all clients and will be offering a live SQLITE editor also for our clients to manage their databases efficiently, we don't have an ETA for release yet however


Awesome! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help smooth out the process for you guys to integrate it.

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