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Prevent spending enchanted mats on improving

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A warning when imping with the last bit of enchanted material or inability to do so would be a nice change to accompany recent forbidding to bin enchanted mats.


+ maybe some more obvious mechanism of combining them


I've just wasted my 4th CoC shard in 1 week.

Edited by zigozag

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Oh.. how many coc charcoals i wasted.. either by combining in crafting window (which has the weirdest mechanic, i still can't figure out why sometimes it works and other times it doesn't, i tried with the enchant as first item, last, selected, etc, it's still random at times) or by forgetting to combine them and using the last piece. I would like such a change that prevents me from wasting it, but i don't mind the fact that i'm punished for not paying attention to what I am doing.. so .. +0.5 from me :D 

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Although, there is a way to do this already albeit -- it is with your brain. :)

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20 minutes ago, Roushi said:



Although, there is a way to do this already albeit -- it is with your brain. :)

Too buggy and no documentation.

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keep inventory open and look at the weight of the shard/lump/etc..;

crafting-window have a weight for your charcoal, same thing, look at that or track the weight of the lump in inventory - Ezzzy




a "hack" of sorts.... you could 'OPEN' >>inventory groups<<, like if they were a satchel/backpack/etc... containers with inventory of their own.. if your inventory is somehow inconvenient to keep open... use a group and open that.. to track the shard's weight, you could also resize and move that new window(with the group opened) anywhere on your screen..;)

Edited by Finnn

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