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Avatar belongs to enemy kingdom. What do you do then?

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I worship Fo, but after completing the last quest for him (it?), his avatar appeared in MR and demanded some item. I belong to JK and the avatar attacked me. I don't think I had the Give option, either. What are you supposed to do in this situation?

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its kinda hard to do, but its still possible, if you have a friend that can aggro it for you then you should be able to give the item as long as you arent in combat. (did it like this on epic once)

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Wait, so you can't hand over items while in combat? Yeah that makes it sound rather impossible in single player.. I ended up cheating and changing the avatar's kingdom.


I don't want to spam the forum with threads, so another god missions question: I have a quest to slay the "venerable wolf traitor". There's like 400 black wolves on my map, how on earth do you find the right one?

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