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Direct Discord Integration

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I'm a bit curious how many people use discord to host their communities here, Discord bots seems to be hitting off quite well and more and more people are using it.


The idea is that it will directly integrate some commands from the server that you can call from Discord chat(playercount, playerlookup, etc), and also offering some rewards ingame for chatting or using certain commands/interacting with the bot in discord. You can look at the Tatsumaki Bot as an example, where you gain rep for chatting. A similar concept can be applied to ingame Wurm rewards using Discord.




I have this currently in the works in planning and intend to release it to the public once I feel it is at a stable state and I'm curious of the interest.. 

Edited by WesncIsMe

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I used it for a while, but found it quite buggy, so I've switched to Razer Comms.  Razer seems to have things running quite smoothly.

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I've had no problems with discord so far using the BetterDiscord app, it MUCH better than the base app.

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