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hotfix: 1.3 24/NOV/16

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  • Bugfix:  Fresh state is removed if a foraged or botanized item is damaged upon gathering.
  • Bugfix:  You now get the swirl and drumroll when hitting the rarity window on gathering rift resources.
  • Bugfix:  Fixed a bug that allowed a hedge to grow inside a cave.
  • Bugfix:  The peg can now be properly used to reseal a wine barrel.
  • Bugfix:  Fixed exploit around harvesting bushes.
  • Bugfix:  Fixed 100 quality cap for woodcutting which with a rune resulted in trees over 100 quality.
  • Bugfix:  Fixed an issue with rune reduction across servers.

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10 hours ago, DevBlog said:
  • Bugfix:  Fixed a bug that allowed a hedge to grow inside a cave.


This one sounds like a feature, not a bug ;)


Very impressive update and phenomenal job on deployment!  Well done Dev Team, and thank you!

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