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[Wogic] Seal meat erroneously labeled "seafood"

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Seal meat is under the "seafood" category.


Yes, seals swim in the ocean, but "seafood" generally refers to molluscs, fish, and things like that when referring to the types of actual meat/food products. I have never heard of mammalian meat called "seafood", and if the point of this is to categorize it by the type of meat it is, that seems very wrong. Expected it to be labeled as "game" or something.

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I totally agree with your logic. I also wonder:  What is the category for dolphin and whale meat?  I presume octopus is correctly called seafood.


Although from a philosophical view, seals eat only fish and are said to have a slight fishy taste.  On the other hand the creature does not require water to live, unlike dolphins/whales that must remain moist, so it is not actually bound to the sea at all.  But also consider the variety between the different species of "seafood" that come to mind; seaweed is certainly seafood, contrasting with typical fish and all the bizarre invertebrates, even sea turtles.  If all those lifeforms could be comfortably termed seafood, then it could apply to the mammals as well.


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Its not a bug, and to be honest, its very hard to change now, so unlikely to happen.

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17 hours ago, Meldichoir said:

I totally agree with your logic. I also wonder:  What is the category for dolphin and whale meat?  I presume octopus is correctly called seafood.


Although from a philosophical view, seals eat only fish and are said to have a slight fishy taste.  On the other hand the creature does not require water to live, unlike dolphins/whales that must remain moist, so it is not actually bound to the sea at all.  But also consider the variety between the different species of "seafood" that come to mind; seaweed is certainly seafood, contrasting with typical fish and all the bizarre invertebrates, even sea turtles.  If all those lifeforms could be comfortably termed seafood, then it could apply to the mammals as well.



I guess maybe it's true that "seafood" isn't a very useful way to categorize meat.


I assumed it was for stuff that was large enough to be a real creature, but was otherwise a fish or mollusc, like huge sharks or octopuses.


Oh well, it's gonna be some wogic going forward I guess. At least it's easy for me to make shrimpiie gumbo!

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