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Time till update

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Since the nature of this being one MASSIVE update. Would it be possible for a dev, gm, or retro to put up a timer countdown to 1.3?  So we can either all celebrate at the end timer or .... . 

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10 hours ago, Makarus said:

Counting backwards is too difficult.



What am I counting backwards to? :)


If I am being given some "XX.XX ZTC+3" then I have no idea what am I counting backwards to.


Countdowns are nice since they show the time between "now" and "when" which you can even very easily convert back to "when is when".

Edited by Raybarg

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Well, Retro said in GL yesterday that he assumed early morning US time so midday or some hours later in Europe.

Provided no delay occurs then.

I'm hoping for in less than say... 4 hrs myself :P


Btw, something he almost forgot to say cause of all the fun we all had there in GL, was that the mail limits will be dropped.

On a direct question he said no runes needed for that then.

Have not seen anything of this convo yet in forums thou.

Edited by Cecci

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