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WTS 3 accounts including Wulfgar

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2. Thunderstruck Psycho on the path of Insanity

Will come with some random gear including a compass, sailboat and spyglass


[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of Tears, week 3 of the starfall of Diamonds, 980. That's 3483 days, 6 hours and 27 minutes ago.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You have played 202 days, 16 hours and 19 minutes.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You have been premium a total of 45 months until Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You have been premium a total of 17 since Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You have been premium consecutively for 3 months since Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:17] You have premium time until 2 Jan 2017 10:21:35 GMT

[2016-11-21] [13:48:42] Congratulations! You have now reached the level of Psycho of the path of insanity!



3. Feonix Giving on the path of Love (Question is up so can go next level if when he gets 30 meditating) - Nahjo Priest

Will come with a compass, sailboat and mag statuette


[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of Tears, week 2 of the starfall of Omens, 1050. That's 478 days, 23 hours and 12 minutes ago.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You have played 31 days, 0 hours and 49 minutes.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You have been premium a total of 0 months until Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You have been premium a total of 13 since Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You have been premium consecutively for 1 months since Dec 2013.
[2016-11-21] [22:04:51] You have premium time until 13 Dec 2016 01:07:51 GMT


All the offers should be in this thread or thru PM and offers in € only!

Was fun but lastest activities of some certain JKC members have really killed the mood to play this game. All of the accounts are no longer part of MRC or part of any villages on Chaos/Exo or Deliverance. Also all of the permissions will be deleted and all of the friends deleted before the sale!


I refuse to sell to certain individuals who i do not trust.


I am selling out 90%, but i will have one my chars left and if you think youd like to keep in touch with me pm me and i can tell you the name of the char i am taking over.


For my friends and enemies - it was fun while it lasted, sad to see people take game this far.

Edited by Wulfgarr

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14 minutes ago, FranktheTank said:

125e on Thunderstruck

Gonna head to bed now, will answer tomorrow morning, but the offer is fair IMO, just cant do the trade or anything atm!

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135e on Thunderstruck or 200e on Wulfgarr


Edited by Kendall17

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90€ for Wulfgar (I know its not much but i have no job and get only 200€ each month and i like the  name and really want it)

Edited by Elsa

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And Wulfgar is sold to a good owner who will make the name proud! Good luck with him! Sale pending on Thunderstruck!

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12 minutes ago, FranktheTank said:

whats going on with thunderstruck?

Have some offers higher then your bid, if you are really interested then pm me and ill let you know about the current price.

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