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Small unbranding change

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Right click branded animal-Branding sub menu-unbrand.   Faster then going through the animal management window.  

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activate hot branding iron > rclick animal > unbrand


theres the feature u want. its already in the game.

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17 minutes ago, Arium said:

activate hot branding iron > rclick animal > unbrand


theres the feature u want. its already in the game.

Ya I know, that was the unbrand option before animal management got added.  Stick branding iron in forge....wait for it to heat up....
Now that we no longer need the hot branding iron to unbrand I'm suggesting a faster option to access unbrand.  

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8 minutes ago, Greyfox said:

Ya I know, that was the unbrand option before animal management got added.  Stick branding iron in forge....wait for it to heat up....
Now that we no longer need the hot branding iron to unbrand I'm suggesting a faster option to access unbrand.  

get a hota statue, leave the branding iron in there, it will stay hot.

theres ways around this, you dont have to make the game too easy.

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7 minutes ago, Arium said:

get a hota statue, leave the branding iron in there, it will stay hot.

theres ways around this, you dont have to make the game too easy.

And that works in the field how?   How does that help when you need to quickly ditch a branded mount so someone else can grab it quickly?

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