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Large Saddle

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As the large saddle is no longer used for anything I think it should be usable on bears. It should be a simple matter to add the right flags for them to be attached to bears. The quality effecting speed should also work the same as horses. Perhaps we can have some bear shoes too, or even a bear hat; one of the leather type with a tassel that we can change the colour of with dyes.


And as creatures hitched to a cart/wagon now unhitch as they change ages could it be changed so that when a bear becomes untamed it wont unhitch? as the new mechanic would solve people having them hitched all the time and bypassing the challenge of keeping aggro creatures for labour.




Morlanius of Bearfoot Vinyard (xan)

Edited by morlan

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I would like to be able to use these on bulls, bears, even bison.

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Perhaps also a way to attach backpacks to mounts for storage, even if they aren't openable whilst attached.

Edited by morlan

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