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The Moidart

WTB Deed

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Looking to buy deed. Established or not, doesn't really matter. Coastal is a plus. Prefer Xanadu/Pristine/Release. 

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Hello, I have one on Xan for sale. It is waterside at the end of a road East of Glasshollow. Waterfront is getting hard to find these days. From the Token it is 6 west to 5 east. 6 north and 12 south. No pictures my comp skills are low. 2 large flat areas. 1 up a hill slightly and 1 down. Currently there are horses fenced in on the top with a low qlty wood fence. Easy to bash. The bottom has a big garden. Very private. The deed bleeds off into the side of a giant mountain. I know there are mines but its all collapsed at the entrance. There is a little over 5 silver in the coffers . 2 Templar on duty to protect me while I terraformed it. Plenty of room to continue terraforming and expand. Guard tower up the mountain above. Cant count on the guards to ever help. Could expand and destroy it and build one down at the bottom. Clay everywhere. Shout at me on line if you want. I am on a lot in Texas time. It is located at c-11 ne


Edited by yakyuk

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