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Cannot start parapet

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What am I missing...  I have a brick in my inventory and I am holding a wooden mallet.  The menu on a tile border shows me walls and fences but no options to make parapets.  FWIW: the ground I am trying to build on had a tall wall on it 30 seconds ago - I knocked it down to build this parapet.


Is this a skill issue; is there a skill requirement?  Is there a ground issue; must the ground be packed or flattened or have a floor?


Currently I`m trying to build a parapet on flat ground on grass.  What I WANT is a replacement for the tall walls that allows me to walk along the top and IDEALLY maybe even allow a bridge to connect it to the house.

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You will need to use trowel instead of mallet, if you want to build a stone parapet. Also, stone parapets need higher skill than just iron fence (which looks like the same). And I don't know if it does matter that you are trying to build it on a ground. However, I would suggest you to build an iron fence, saves you the trouble.

Edited by Kadmint

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