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[Done] What happened to "Time of Wurm"?

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This page was my very first link I saved for this game.

Today when I was gonna show someone it it had totally changed into some chart with numbers only and the whole harvest calender/time thing is gone.


Why? To me this seems like a bad change to a page that was good.


And was it saved under some other name?

The link to Wurm Universe just don't make it as it does not give the harvest info at all.


And this page does not make it either.

You took a perfectly good page and ripped it to two really bad pages of the wurmpedia.

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I have noticed this too and thought that the old "Time" page was giving a lot of good information about harvesting seasons. :(

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As I said above the link that you posted just now, Retro, does not cover for it.

And if anything these changes just makes things more confusing, specially for the new players.

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I'll have to spank Yaga then, cause I disagree completly with him on this.

The universe page does not cover for lost info from the Time page that has a totally flat chart and very little info now.

Add on the harvest page and you will understand how hard it must be for a newbie to figure out when to expect to pick apples,

they will have to go to three pages to figure it out. compared to one before.

It would have been enough to add that harvest may vary.


We should not have to read a novel about universe to find out when to harvest.

When new harvestables comes in then add them.

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I ran into this problem also not to long ago, had to goto different pages to look up season, time and calendar.


Time, Seasons should all be on one page as well as 'Harvest calendar' since it's based on seasons.


In other words,  should be combined with


Give it a title, Wurm Time, Calendar, and Seasons.


And yeah it's random, jsut put a disclaimer 'harvest times are now random +- whatever time'


No reason to have all this metric stuff when you want to have a clean wiki look.  It's like talking about Pizza and  Levi's Jeans on same page.



Edited by Stormblade

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Aye, and that is fairly much how the page looked besides the universe info (that ofc also is intresting per se).

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Great, now add the new harvestable stuff in..


like acorns, oranges, hops, pinenuts

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I added the new calendar yesterday :)


EDIT: I only updated the "Wurm Universe, Chapter 2" page, because I agreed with Seedlings to keep the time info in one place, in order to avoid redundancies. But I now see that the old page ("Time of Wurm") has somehow returned, so here we have the redundant info again. :(


EDIT 2: New calendar and harvest info updated in both places

Edited by Yaga

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