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Tinfoil Hat

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Brrraaiinnnss protector... I'd +vote for a gandalf/wizard hat.. but tinfoil? why?:blink:

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Should also have a camouflage option that when activated turns you into a tin ore shard that prevents aggro attack. Slows movement speed though due to the irregular shape, so best to stay still until aggro wanders off. Newbie 24 hr bonus of ability to roll over the aggro and crush it.



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Clearly it would be the negating item that blocks a priest's mind control ability or even block mental attacks by high level priests.


It could also be used to lessen the Path of Insanity 'craziness', soften the insanity at higher levels, etc.

Less voices, No Voices, Less Severe Voices, Positive Voices instead of Negative and of course the grand old Silence (that is what happens in my head when I equip my Foil hat IRL, ahh, no more negative government injected thoughts or pains in my head! (They really do send you bad thoughts via ultra/super sonic weapons, it has been suggested that they also try to blast your neurons to control how you think or what you can remember)).

Edited by Roushi

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Offering sermons and tinfoil hat folding lessons on Xanadu every weekend.

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+1, but I want myne to have a bouncy spiral spring antenna w/ a bobbing red ball on its end, that bounces to and fro as I move along.



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+1 to a silly hat, +.5 to tin foil hat... doesnt match anything else but technically is available. A jester-like hat would be cool though

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