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Minor Holy Crop Buff

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Just extending the power of holy crop a little (since no-one ever bothers to cast it)


On top of its existing effects also:


  • Restore forage/botanize to (Cast Power)% tiles in all fo domains
  • Randomly spawn flowers on (Cast Power)% of tiles in all fo domains.
  • Restore (Cast Power)% fruit trees to unharvested if in season in all fo domains


The existing effect with these combined still doesn't balance up against Rite of Spring and Ritual of the Sun, but it would make it a spell worth casting every now and then.


Edit: Clarified that effects would be limited to fo domains.

Edited by Etherdrifter

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-1, that's not minor buff


First 2 can be solved with more walking around and exploring, 2nd with a bigger farm(boosting seasonal production is NOT minor change).

As I recall the spell had low range(so I have heard)... but else it does have some applications.

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11 hours ago, Finnn said:

As I recall the spell had low range(so I have heard)... but else it does have some applications.

Name 3

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nice joke.. there seems to be ~only 2 main things..


1. tends fields and increases yields(questionably useful if you're lazy to farm~, when you have to spend 40 favor++ for up to 4-tile radius spell)

2. planting sprouts and boosting their growth to be ready for the next season's harvest(tiny bit useful for newest cooking bush/trees)

 - sprouts farms(trees and bushes)

 - forestry skill grind (harvesting or picking sprouts/pruning)


Not saying the spell is amazing.. could use some dev love, but.. restoring foraging/more fruits to pick and spawning dotted or w/e flowers you have on mind, maybe isn't the best that could be done(I don't have an idea how to make it more appealing, but I also do not quite like the suggested changes, that's all)


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1 hour ago, Retrograde said:

Perhaps tied to Fo's domain rather than % over the whole server?

Penny for your thoughts @Retrograde, do share more about the possibilities here

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3 hours ago, Retrograde said:

Perhaps tied to Fo's domain rather than % over the whole server?


Actually thats what I meant, I'll edit the op to clarify


12 hours ago, Finnn said:

Not saying the spell is amazing.. could use some dev love, but.. restoring foraging/more fruits to pick and spawning dotted or w/e flowers you have on mind, maybe isn't the best that could be done(I don't have an idea how to make it more appealing, but I also do not quite like the suggested changes, that's all)



Thing is it needs to balance against RoS (+0.1ml and 5 hours of SB for all vyn followers online on the server) which is pretty damn powerful and RotS (all walls/fences in mag domain repaired to full, all mag followers online gain filled water/food bars and +50 nutrition) which is still pretty damn powerful.  The thought behind my changes was to extend HC in a way that meshes well with the new cooking system and gives folks a reason to have a fo domain.  Notice that unlike any of the other spells there is *no* direct benefit to online players.

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:mellow: mah B.., this whole time I read HC and thought about WG cast<_<:lol:...

+1 / just take my vote:ph34r::blink:

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