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Unfinished ships get damage when attaching elements

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There is a big problem for all ship builders:

Unfinished ships get damage when attaching elements. My unfinished knars have around 30QL just 400 hull planks left. When adding some planks sometimes unfinished knars get around 4-5dmg and when its damaged every annother plank attached lower its ql around 2QL so after 10 hull planks QL drops to 0. When ships is repaired after its get damage everything back to normal and every next plank raise QL of unfinished ship.


Why its a big problem ? i can have 90% ship finished and when its drop to 1 QL it can decay in  one night and just vanish.

I noticed when unfinished constructins get some damage sometimes they gain QL when repaired. I had unfinsihed knar 17QL with 6dmg and after repair it was 21QL not sure if this a feauture or bug.


The similar problem can occur with other constructins such as colosssus.

I always use crafting window to attach elements.


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