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Suggestion for tables

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Because of the way collision works in Wurm we can't put stuff on tables so instead of putting stuff on tables, how about we get to put things IN tables.  And putting stuff in the table will change the table top animation.   Could put cooking supplies(Plates, bowls, knives, forks) and it would show as a table set for a meal for example.

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one interesting option would be to put things "on" the table.


Let me explain, seeing everything got a height and overall level in Wurm, would have to specify to the items they are at the table level and within the table surface, then it would just be the usual push pull on the table surface. Then to prevent the flying saucer effect, just have to specify to the "supporting" item something is on it and prevent it from being moved until everything on the "surface" is removed.

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Love the idea, anything more useful to current content is great by me.

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Step 1: Make two different versions of each cooking/eating utensil such as a plate etc.

Step 2: Make the first version "Right Click -> Drop -> Drop on Ground" (it then drops on ground as it does now).

Step 3: Make the second version "Right Click -> Drop -> Drop on Table" (then you add table height to obj. height).

Step 4: Sit on the chair because you can.

Step 5: Look and be glad we did it.


EDIT: +1 if these steps are implemented

Edited by Erevorn

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this is a horrible oversimplification of  any sytem


While I support being able to put things on tables, it's not so cut and dry, though odynns idea of not allowing a table to be moved until it's empty makes sense.

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I believe Warlander is currently working on a system to place objects on furniture (and similar).

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