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Price Check

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Price Check on Dadd,,,,skills are a bit old but close enough,,,


Thanks Egard,.

I have a offer for 2.5k atm and will make my mind up in a week what to do.

I have a few other accounts all priests , Vyn and Fo.

And years of bloody crap from scale to drake armour to many tools and weapons.

Cheers to those with help put a price on this old account.

I hope to place this account on the market in app 2 weeks.

Cheers Dadd

Edited by dadd

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Here's the proper link dadd : , don't ever sell no amount of my money will get you the time you put in back. 


as for a price check two thousand euros + there has never been a toon sold with anything close to that high stats. 

Edited by Egard

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probably one of the the best accounts there is in wurm atm right now. very few accounts of this caliber. 1.5k euro or more but really wouldn't sell lol

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2k+ easy to the right buyer


just curious if you don't mind sharing, whats yer playtime?

Edited by platinumteef

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2k+ minimal. No clue if there is a market for these kind of toons, but that 1 crazy person might be interested in it.


Very big congrats Dadd on how nice that account it is, simply no words how much work and dedication you put into it.

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2-3k euro even 2k might be to low starting point. Can see this easy selling for 2.5k+

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You should put a warning on your post.  Your account is so good that it could send people into depression, knowing they have to sacrifice the next 10 years of their lives to get there, lol.


Edit: In fact, I refuse to look again myself.

Edited by Wurmhole

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nice acc m8, worth alot

Edited by Gone420

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I wouldn't be surprised if it went for 3k+, this is a one way ticket straight to the very top.

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10 hours ago, Egard said:

...price check two thousand euros + there has never been a toon sold with anything close to that high stats. 

I'm also guessing a 2k there, anything over that is just to outbid others on auction ^^

gr8 acctB)

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Everyone saying 2000E fails to understand the games market climate.


Actual value more like 1500E barely.

Edited by FranktheTank

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frank thats because your not taking in the history of the account reguardless of the current market for lesser accounts Dadd shouldnt sell for under 2k but is probably worth around 2.5-3k

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2500e+ but no amount would cover the time spent to make the account

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I would like to see someone make an offer of 2k euros first then to consider it worth it. It is obviously the best toon in the game (and the time i was playing wurm I was hoping this toon would emerge for sale) but game population is very low right now and might go down further. That obviously effects the market rate, I would go with somewhere like 1500e.

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That is the truth of it.  There is some value for sure, but if there was just a hint of financial instability with WO, every high end account would tank.  Nobody would ever consider even a few hundred, if they thought the game could vanish next month, or tomorrow for that matter.  But in a stable economy, it is literally priceless.


Figure what, 3hrs a day of grinding, 300 days a year and over a 10 year period?  Maybe that is too much, but it is conceivable with those skills.  9000 hours of work.  At $2k, it is 22 cents an hour for the work.


Edit:  I read that someone in Eve Online payed roughly $27,000 for the top skill character.  They built it in a few days with skill injectors (evil addition to Eve), but people will pay what they want.

Edited by Wurmhole

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22 hours ago, Carmichael said:

probably one of the the best accounts there is in wurm atm right now. very few accounts of this caliber. 1.5k euro or more but really wouldn't sell lol



dadd has 19,505,990 STP (1st Overall)

even 4th if we look at points but STP matters most.


Well done mate. I tip my hat

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Incredible account. This almost needs to come with a personal letter from Rolf guaranteeing WO for the next few years.


Got to be a minimum of 2k all things being equal, after that it's down to how much someone wants it and whether they have enough spare cash burning a hole in their pocket.

Edited by solmark

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so how do i talk my hubby into buying me this toon?  amazing toon Dadd.. Auctioning is probably the way to go .

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Characters are underpriced in this game.


People are willing to pay a ridiculous amount for silly items, but medium to high level accounts are always lowballed.


Subscription and time put into the game are worth more than moon metal, rares and tomes.

Edited by Bittereinder

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8 hours ago, Bittereinder said:

Characters are underpriced in this game.


People are willing to pay a ridiculous amount for silly items, but medium to high level accounts are always lowballed.


Subscription and time put into the game are worth more than moon metal, rares and tomes.

If anything they are overpriced... We are not talking about World of Warcraft here, we are talking about wurm. A game with a small market and playerbase.

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9 hours ago, Bittereinder said:

Characters are underpriced in this game.


People are willing to pay a ridiculous amount for silly items, but medium to high level accounts are always lowballed.


Subscription and time put into the game are worth more than moon metal, rares and tomes.


1 hour ago, FranktheTank said:

If anything they are overpriced... We are not talking about World of Warcraft here, we are talking about wurm. A game with a small market and playerbase.


Such is life. I won't quote the late great Duce when talking about opinions, but this does go to prove that it all comes down to what any individual is willing to pay. Their judgement no doubt effected by their own financial situation.

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You would fetch an easy 3k, its simply the best account in the game. be a hell of a bidding war if there is already offers.

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