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XANA[do] Rift Team

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going for glory is an art


While I participated with WKM in the test as well and saw what these things are capable of - I am a bit more afraid of the harm they can do on our server, as let's be honest - most people still run from trolls.


So in order to mitigate the risk, horror and death that these new rift beasts bring to our server, I am gathering up all abled bodies that wish to join me in the fight against these vicious monsters that want to invade our beloved server. This concept is just at the beginning so please bear with me while I add and modify rules (suggestions always welcome).


Now a few basics: this is not supposed to be an exclusive group, nor is it supposed to do private events - BUT will favor people that live on Xanadu and will only be semi-open. I have zero issues with other teams from other servers joining in the rift events, heck I believe we need each other support anyway.... (plus I encourage cross-server helping - we are afterall just one big family).


Now let me explain the semi-open concept: while everyone that meets certain requirements (skill wise, no point in having cannon-fodder really) can join - it is much easier to coordinate a tighter knit group than 100+ people that won't really know what to do. Anyone can still show up of course, but in order to close the rifts we need a core team that can actually be coordinated efficiently.


So if you feel you want to help out, have the time, the desire, the zeal and meet the requirements (down below) why not join me in getting rid of these vicious and horrifying creatures - post below!


Requirements (subject to change)


  1. Fighting Skill: over 70
  2. Armor: at least Studded Leather Armor 80+ql or higher types
  3. A small sail boat+ a tent + horse with some horse gear (at least 50+ql horseshoes and 50+ql saddle))
  4. Any weapon (with or without shield) BUT at least 50 skill in that weapon/shield
  5. Weapon/shield at least 70ql
  6. Available time to do this (I have no idea how often they will spawn)
  7. Willingness to travel
  8. Being able to listen and attack as part of a group and not go all Rambo on us


Priests are welcome!



For Glory! For XAN!

going for glory is an art




Please understand that there is a HIGH risk of death involved in this, so be very cautious and prepare yourself emotionally




none: life is good



Edited by Thorakkanath
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Current Rift on Xanadu


Location: O19


Opening time: 7th June





See you there!


Location history of previous rifts: O12


Current team members


  1. Thorakkanath
  2. Becket
  3. Kurson
  4. Wulfmaer
  5. Revelation
  6. Torvalar
  7. Zigozag (+ Nacho: Zigozog) 
  8. Lancelot
  9. Dredbanger (+ Fo: Apollonia)
  10. Dergen
  11. Griper
  12. Galadhel
  13. Noizhead
  14. Magicmike
  15. Bloodscythe
  16. Zachariah (non-Xan)
  17. Vortexxx
  18. Fraeya (+ 2 Nacho)
  19. Bigbuoy
  20. Spyte
  21. Vomusu
  22. Held
  23. Mawej
  24. LaRue (+ Fo: CrazyEben)
  25. Darkblas
  26. Fatynoob
  27. Ellan (+ Fo)
  28. Pagsiu
  29. Etherdrifter
  30. Gum
  31. Jive (+2 Fo's: Valadrim and Amien)
  32. Rheascope
  33. Chiron
  34. Malokai
  35. Alkhadias
  36. Doe
  37. Aeryck*


*missing one requirement

Edited by Thorakkanath

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bangzuvelis and blackmonk. we have SOTG, nacho priest with 100 faith for worst case wounds, skills to make our weapons and plate, sorcery, to reduce that extra damage, and willingness to deal with the Rift monsters!

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Revelation is in, longsword or axe with LMS, drake, and able to perform field imps on shields that need a bit of hammering.

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42 minutes ago, zigozag said:

Do we have a t-shirt or badge design yet?


You are welcome to be in charge of designing them :P

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Edited by Ibexx

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I'll get in on that! I've actually been preparing myself to be more mobile with my main (this character) so I can start getting involved on these Rifts (and other unique killing groups, etc).

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I'd like to jump in on this and have more than enough skill, time, willingness to participate with fair amt of game experience.

also if need i can create a team speak secure channel to host organizing and carrying out the rift communication.

Edited by Bloodscythe

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@ThorakkanathI know I live on Indy but you have always been a great friend of mine and xanadu has always been a great server to me. I would love to sign up to fight. I have more than enough skill (76fs and 53 huge axe). I also have the willingness to participate because I have always wanted to be part of a big group like this. Please keep me updated on when we plan on hitting our first one and I will 100% be there.

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I'm up for this and can provide 2 nahjo also

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add me please :)




and my friend Vomusu :)


and other friend Held


Thanks :D

Edited by Spytee

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