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Pickling: canning's distant relative

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We already have, in Wurm, the ability to cook food with salt in order to preserve the lifespan of the product. There is also a rumor that storing food in the same container with water and/or salt will preserve the food.

Pickling is a process where food items are submerged in a salt brine for an extended period until fermentation; a lactic acid will develop. The low pH will kill most bacteria, and the resulting preserved food will have a sour taste.

Because of the strong acids, metallic containers would corrode and are therefore unsuitable. Containers of clay, porcelain or glass are nonreactive and can be used. Wooden barrels and buckets are held with metal fasteners, which would fail against the salt and acid.

Canning requires a level of technology too advanced for Wurm; both due to the high temperature sterilization and the requirement for a hermetically sealed container. Pickling, on the other hand, has been practiced for over 4000 years, as it is a natural process.

We already have the salt and clay jars, and the belief that keeping water and salt with our meals should preserve them is essentially the idea of pickling already.

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and can we have pickles? +1 to OP

Edited by Chiqa

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