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Money Redistribution "OPT OUT" option

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Really I think everyone in here that was complaining about this is nothing more than afraid others might tick that box and the pools would get smaller and smaller and smaller till owning a trader or using those redistribution mechanics are no longer worth the effort or trouble. I can only say I would hope that would be the ultimate eventuality. If you have to give away coin to get players interested in the game and use it as a draw, doesnt that raise red flags?, doesnt anyone see a problem with that?, you have to give away money to get players? To keep players? To me thats a problem, its a giant red flag.


Over and Over and Over i hear the same excuse -we dont have the resources to do this, we dont have the resources to do that. We had to let a dev go because we couldnt afford to pay him. Ok CHANGE IT. Get the damn resources and do what needs to be done.


There is a giant pool of money that can be tapped

If CC wants people to make investments then give us the option to make those investments by saying we want 100% of monies spent on the game to go to the game, not to players.


Invest in features that have real and tangible ROI's, for the 1000000'th time a TRADE SYSTEM


trade systems dont use pools

trade systems will make fresh money from day 1

trade systems are ubiquitous throughout the gaming industry and are a tried and proven method to gain players and retain them


listing fees, seller fees, fees of all kinds can be attached ( very small ones) that add up dealing with volume - Instant cash flow for CC and a whole lot less "we dont have the resources nonsense".

Paid devs

Better content

More Content

Less Bugs

More Options


How does contributing to a redistribution pool affect any of that - It simply doesnt, plain and simple. its been in effect via traders and as of late rare coin stuff for quite some time now, And has this done anything at all to improve the game, maybe, i must admit that the rare coin stuff is quite brilliant in many ways, but whatever benifical effect it has had, was not enough to stop a dev from being let go, its not been enough to "hire" new devs, its not been enough to pay current volunteer devs, so its really hard to justify its continued existence other than legacy nonsense.


Bridges, now theres a novel thing -fantastic long awaited feature with absolutely no ROI. The ROI was eaten up in cost overruns a long time ago. the only thing it has going for it, is that its an unknown quantity. It may very well turn up as developing a long term ROI based on player retention, but only time will tell.


The First 5 Hours initiative - Wonderful intentions, many good improvements to the game, especially for new players, looks like it really helped alot, the problem with that was it only got us up to par with the rest of the industry, and arguably barely so at that. Big issue with that was that it seems to have gutted the veteran playerbase a good bit. Promises were made that later on developers would focus on other areas like mid game and late/end game stuff. This has never really materialized -again with the , we dont have the resources.


If CC is hard up for money and resources - STOP GIVING MONEY AWAY, STOP Subsidizing  Your Playerbase Start monetizing things and start developing content that can stand on its own and provide more income as well as address long standing issues.


You need cash to start doing that?

Give me an option to opt out of the redistribution pools.

So on Fantasy Island if all the coin went into Rolf's pocket the game would improve at a pace never seen before in gaming history?


I think Rolf would take longer vacations.

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So on Fantasy Island if all the coin went into Rolf's pocket the game would improve at a pace never seen before in gaming history?


I think Rolf would take longer vacations.


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Care to explain how? Rolf can shower the servers with silver coins, it wouldn't hurt his bank account, right?

Doesn't he has GM abilities? Flying over the land and just spawning coins all over the land? He doesn't need to buy them!

Can you ask Rolf to change back your Silver Coins for RL currency? Where's the backed-up stuff? What I'm "missing"?




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But I still don't get it. It's not like the pixel coins people find on the ground came from somewhere. They can just be programmed. Why on earth would Rolf relate them to his banking account? Or any account for that matter? They don't have to be related to any purchases including the game income.


And this

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So on Fantasy Island if all the coin went into Rolf's pocket the game would improve at a pace never seen before in gaming history?


I think Rolf would take longer vacations.


And this.

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