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Remove "crush" from wemp.

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Actually in addtion to my previous +1 lets also remove the 'pick seeds' option. Just give a 'replant' option on the wemp and the event description can be "You pick seeds from the wemp and sow them." Even less clicks.

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Actually in addtion to my previous +1 lets also remove the 'pick seeds' option. Just give a 'replant' option on the wemp and the event description can be "You pick seeds from the wemp and sow them." Even less clicks.

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Its amazing you sound actually angry about it, rock on basement bro. B)

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+1, reed is the same way too.  Can just rename wemp and reed to just 'wemp' and 'reed', don't need the plant/fiber confustion.  Changes like this are a step to more modern playability and less boring basic tedious actions that drive away new players


I can't fathom how not having to turn plants into fiber is possibly some gamebreaking change that we must fight against

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I suppose the could make a tool so you had to use it to crush instead of instantly.

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+1 of course.

If you have to crush wemp why dont you have to tresh wheat for grain.

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I've accidentally crushed a bunch of wemp in the past the I meant to turn into seeds, so I had to go foraging for more. Seems like a reasonable change that would not affect anyone negatively, and while it simplifies one tiny thing in the game, it certainly doesn't simplify the entirety of Wurm! These little simplifications make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating in small but brilliant ways. :D

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Wurm developers have tried to keep as much realism in the game and I am pretty sure they understand that you cant just pull a plant out of the ground and make a rope with it without some processing. Rope making involves the separation of the fibers of the plant in order to weave the strands into rope. I have never agreed with the word "crush" as this would be destroying the fibers. "Separate" may be the better alternative but its still a process that is done by hand.


Wemp in raw harvested form should never weight the same as fiber, the fiber is dried and thus much lighter due to water loss which constitutes the vast majority of the weight. I personally think they got the ratio right.


So I grab a stack of say 70 Wemp and "crush" them to fiber in one click. Why is that tedious? Tedious is standing there for hours with the same stack of fiber that I made with one click crafting bow strings by the hundreds in the hopes that I will skill up enough to make a cordage rope for my boat. I'm not seeing a valid argument to gain that one click back.


What am I missing?

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I've accidentally crushed a bunch of wemp in the past the I meant to turn into seeds, so I had to go foraging for more. Seems like a reasonable change that would not affect anyone negatively, and while it simplifies one tiny thing in the game, it certainly doesn't simplify the entirety of Wurm! These little simplifications make the game more enjoyable and less frustrating in small but brilliant ways. :D

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Just remove the need to crush wemp to make rope with it.  Reduce the harvested weight and volume so it's equal to fibre, and let players make rope and bowstring from the plants.  Picking seeds would still destroy it and yield a seed, low power healing covers would be marginally lighter (I don't see the need to protest a 1-5 power cover being 0.2kg lighter), but this would eliminate the tedium of emptying your inventory, withdrawing 100, crushing, binning, and repeating ad infinitum.

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To anyone that says "there are more important things to fix" and gives a -1 to a suggestion, PLEASE stop being silly. Is the suggestion box only fpr the most important suggestion? If so, there should only be 1 and all other threads deleted by mods. Silly, right? Don't be a hater if it isn't what ypu consider the best suggestion ever. If it helps game play, consider a +1. If it hurts game play, then by all means do a -1.

I approve of almost everything that eliminates clicks. I don't get satisfaction from button mashing. I get satisfaction from making a great weapon, house, mine, deed landscape, community project, etc. I am completely amazed at how hard some people fight to keep button mashing to a maximum. Makes me think of zealots performing self flagellation.

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To anyone that says "there are more important things to fix" and gives a -1 to a suggestion, PLEASE stop being silly. Is the suggestion box only fpr the most important suggestion? If so, there should only be 1 and all other threads deleted by mods. Silly, right? Don't be a hater if it isn't what ypu consider the best suggestion ever. If it helps game play, consider a +1. If it hurts game play, then by all means do a -1.

I approve of almost everything that eliminates clicks. I don't get satisfaction from button mashing. I get satisfaction from making a great weapon, house, mine, deed landscape, community project, etc. I am completely amazed at how hard some people fight to keep button mashing to a maximum. Makes me think of zealots performing self flagellation.


So, if someone does not agree with changing this because they feel there are other fish to fry their opinion makes them 'silly'. And if they don't like this suggestion you ridicule them because they think differently. Got it. 


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He is saying that you don't need to put down the suggestions of others because you think other things are a higher priority. Priority isn't for any of us to decide.

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So, if someone does not agree with changing this because they feel there are other fish to fry their opinion makes them 'silly'. And if they don't like this suggestion you ridicule them because they think differently. Got it. 


The point being to distinguish between to point out how people tend to block ideas for the wrong reasons. What we don't know, without being on the dev side, is what the dev is working on today, that cou easily incorporate a minor suggestion. That minor change may not be hugely important, but yet it still improves game play.

So if it is a good idea, that helps game play, simply give it a good vote and not block it if it isn't the most important thing to habe today. Make sense?

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Ah, I see. Same -1 as above. It's not really something that's broken anyway so fixing before or after something else really isn't an issue for me Prot. But thanks for the clarification.

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I'll agree that this is not hugely important to me because I only use rope for boats. However, for those who use rope for the priesthood I can see this kind of change as a nice improvement. No skill is gained in the process but then neither is there a skill for harvesting seed from pumpkins or cotton... but that argument can go on ad nauseum.

You've got my +1 for streamlining the process a bit.

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So I grab a stack of say 70 Wemp and "crush" them to fiber in one click. Why is that tedious? Tedious is standing there for hours with the same stack of fiber that I made with one click crafting bow strings by the hundreds in the hopes that I will skill up enough to make a cordage rope for my boat. I'm not seeing a valid argument to gain that one click back.


What am I missing?


A 6000 tile farm yields 36000 wemp when harvested.  6000 is set aside for resowing, leaving you with 30000 wemp.  If you empty your inventory of items, you can crush 100 at a time.  30,000/100=300.  Just to ready wemp for processing, you must withdraw 100x, crush, and drop it back in three hundred times.  After you've done all this, you can finally withdraw it, only to have to combine it into multiple 64x-sized pieces for use or transport.


Wemp is a low efficiency but versatile crop, with low favor per tile. Those who make cordage for favor go through a lot of wemp very quickly, necessitating regular sowing and harvesting.


What you're missing is that you're probably not affected by this tedium, but there are many others who grow wemp for favor. I've quoted Noizhead above to show why there's a difference between 70 wemp at a time and 36,000 at a time, especially when it's 36,000 once a week, every week.

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As both a smith and a farmer, I understand the annoyance of having to click 10 billion times, I also understand that it is part of the "processing" system.

As Kagrenac pointed out, smelting ore is much like crushing wemp or reed. There's no benefit to the player doing it, it's just an additional step/time killer. Should we also turn all mined metal into workable lumps and get rid of the shard process?

IMO, it kinda seems silly to start doing stuff that.

Anyway, while the OP suggestion gets a -1 from me, I would not object to a keybind being made for the crush action in helping to reduce mouse clicking.


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I would love a keybind for crush. That would cut the time in half and also prevent misclicking pick seed.

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Mined ore is used in catapults, it isn't useless before processing.

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