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Archery and Body Control following recent update (about a month back)

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Some new content to consider for the body control and/or archery pages.


Many people consider archery to be the best skill to grind in order to improve body control. Recently changes were made to Archery to allow you to obtain a maximum of 40 archery skill when using target practice against an archery target. You are also allowed to earn only 30 maximum in any of the individual archery sub skills (med bow, short box, long bow - you can have 30 in one and 10 in another for example).


I am increasing body control as the final stage of creating a new Mag priest so that he will be able to ride a horse in the future. I started out by grinding archery and quickly went from 19.50 to 20.68. I chose to use a COC 80 bow as my primary tool along with a lot of arrow shafts to get me there. Once I maxed out medium bow at 30.0 I switched to a short bow until I maxed it out a 10. Throughout this training I continued to increase body control.


Once I hit archery 40 all gains including body control completely stopped. Since I understand COC has no impact on the speed at which you gain characteristics like body control I believe this was my mistake. Assuming that the observed behavior is expected then I would have been better served using a bow with no COC instead since I may have gained the required BC before maxing out archery.


At this point I am working on carpentry, fighting and other bc skills to try to reach 21.00 so that I can priest him.



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Hasn't it always been like that?


I think you are actually in advantage with your BC gains. Because BC gain is lowered what, 40-50%? and archery gains are reduced by 60%. Meaning you have 10% extra BC compared to someone who would've done it before the changes?


I'm pretty sure the 40archery30bow limit has always been there

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Fletching is the best way of gaining body control as you can use 3 skills that are governed by body control.


Carpentry, Fletching and Carving knife.

By cycling around 30-40 arrows through a crate or bulk storage bin it randomizes the improve action on each arrow, if you return any arrows that don't require a carving knife back to the crate and repeat this process so you are only improving with a carving knife (CoC preferably) this will maximize gains.

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Yeah the limited of 40 archery 30 sub has always been there. You're correct in assuming you shouldn't have used coc. 

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Body control from archery is a lot lower than it used to be. Archery, subskills, and body control from archery were nerfed, but brought back up a bit (although not to where they were before). Other forms of body control gain were buffed, so now improving arrows with only a carving knife is extremely good. Sleep bonus works on body control, so use it for a good boost.

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Followed the suggestion about the improving of arrows with carving knife. Eventually hit my goal of 21 tonight.


Lots of good stuff here for the wiki.

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