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PC Fishing Products

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Looking for a per fillet price for bulk fish products:


Bulk fillets

1 backpack would hold 5000 filets worth of fish all of the same species, would be sold by the backpack full. Does not give butchering experience, does give butchering knife XP (1 check per fish, 100 checks total).


Since cooked meat goes for 20i / 3 fillets worth, I'm thinking 5i per fillet for these? Thoughts? Backpack of 5000 fillets worth would cost 2.5s


Butcher skilling

A narrow range of fish give butchering experience. Each fish would give between 4 and 10 fillets worth of experience. Some fish seem to be higher difficulties than others but for the moment assuming they give same XP as cooked meat per fillet wise. Looking for a price by the fillet worth of skill. Can still be used for cooking, but it's annoying since multiple species give you tiny stacks of different fillet types.


I know some people who buy cooked meat just for this purpose. Thinking 7i / fillet?

Edited by Sevenless

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I personally would buy for around that I think, if I was to buy. Saves Filleting time and I don't need Skill atm. Seems like a fair deal

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Thanks for the feedback :) Glad to hear my prices aren't seeming too crazy ^^

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