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Farming question.

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As I only played on Epic until recently my grasp of farming, and when to grow what etc, is based on that - which includes the curve.


On Freedom servers at what farming skill do the easier crops - wemp/cotton/corn/potatoes/pumpkins cease to give skill, and what skill level is optimal to switch to onions/strawberries/garlic?


I've reached about 48 so far and I thought that would be well high enough for onions - but the skill gain is disappointing, especially compared to pumpkins/corn/potatoes etc


Any expert Freedom guys want to spread their knowledge?

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Grains 50-70, onions/garlic/strawbs 70+
Wemp works okay pretty much throughout, too.

Source: Grinding 1-93, then 1-79 on two different toons in the past year and a half.

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+1 to using wemp.


I've used it 1-90 farming as well. Cotton is the same as wemp per tile, but seemed to be become untended less often which resulted in less skill in the end.

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My sources tell me that strawberries are too difficult even at 99 to gain good skill from on Freedom

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My sources tell me that strawberries are too difficult even at 99 to gain good skill from on Freedom


It's certainly true that onions were a bit of a shock. It's confusing when you have only played with the underlying curve - it's like muscle memory....hard to unlearn.

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Remember your rake ql also plays an important factor. At 70 skill for the high end crops I was still using a 70ql ish rake, if you used a 1ql skiller I'd say stick with grain or wemp.

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I'm checking how much wemp we brought with as I type.......... ;)

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corn skills at any level better then most.. its what I used to get to 99.88. and it stores well and is easy to sell as a bonus

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I have at 94 skill with a 1ql skiller at 30 damage I get very good gains using reeds. I average about 0.015 off of 28 fields a day using SB and 60s CoC   off of 22 rye fields I tend to get .009 and .02 off of 55 wemp fields with the rake at 50 damage.


(numbers are average gains, they do vary from day to day)

Edited by Kerwal

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