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dont think water knows where land is, so it will be odd to see waves going away from shore.

+1 some day when water isnt a flat pancake anymore :)

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dont think water knows where land is


Haha that just sounds funny :D


I'd guess it would be easy enough to implement. Just find out where land and water intersect. (Where the land dips below water) Of course, you'd have to have some way of knowing how large the area of water is, so as to not have waves in underground mines and in puddles :D

Edited by Ayria

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+1 , it could be some ambiguous wavy texture when there is shallow water at X depth,   I mean, as a possible way to bypass the issue Silakka noticed.


Incoherent things would happen either way, like single water tiles in mainland, with waves.

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+1. Fix the walking-splashing sound when the land is just above the sea level, while you're at it  ;)

Edited by Hula_Girl

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with wurms already strange fps loss every shallow water tile having a new animation makes me cringe since I live in a land of water


+1 if they fix fps loss -1 if they don't

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