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Ferry Service

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Xanadu has some pretty big bodies of water to cross.  Bridges aren't going to cut it, unless we drop mountains of dirt in the lake and make multi sectional bridges.  Personally I don't want to see that happen to much up the beautiful lakes, not UGLY land bridges everywhere.


What about creating a ferry option?  My first thought is to have 2 deeds on either shore and an option to "ferry link" them for a fee to the king.  10s maybe?  Then much like a bed, you can set it to free or charge different rates for use.  They could also be made private for the 2 villages, or allow all alliance and add friends, like boat and cart settings.


I vote to keep the lakes looking beautiful!!!

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Just do that using in game mechanics - a big ship which can be loaded and a human player to drive it.

We don't need NPC and automated things in game; next thing that will be asked would be ferry services cross server.

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How about a ferry boat? Ride your cart/wagon into it and sail, then ride back out the other end at your destination. We have carts that carry boats. Now we need boats that carry carts. You can already but it's rather rough finding a landing spot for a Corbita. A ferry would hopefully have a shallow keel.

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Can you freaking not? 32km is 32km, if you want a smaller server, move to Deli/Exo/Cele/Rel/Pris. Scale is what 95% of people absolutely adore about Xanadu. It actually feels like a small country, there's gonna be so many regional pockets that we might start forming our own dialects and mannerisms. Can you imagine, somehow all horses in the NE corner only come out white, how cool it would be to have that kind of locational variation? Cross a mountain range, suddenly there are only chestnuts for miles around, because they haven't managed to spread over the range. These things happen in real life, and now we get to experience them too, because of the scale and the separation. Don't take that away.

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Using existing boats as a ferry service requires someone be there to drive the boat. Certainly can't make the boat public access for anyone to drive.

What Audrel says about a ferry boat is ideal for the boat portion of this suggestion. Want to be able to ride up on it on horse or cart and ride off the other side when you land.

Aetherwalker, if you don't want to ride the ferry, I promise to let you take the long way around the lake. In fact, you are welcome to load up with rocks and walk around the lake at 1km speeds, to really get maximum enjoyment of the size of Xanadu. Seriously though, I get that you want to be a hermet and isolate yourself from the rest of the server, but possibly others want to travel to each other's deeds and knock back an ale, sharing stories of their harrowing adventures in this brave new world.

The point of the ferry service is to help preserve the beauty of the lakes and not scar them with land bridges and future bridges.

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And the adventures would be a lot less harrowing if everyone were on everyone else's doorstep.

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