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Leather creation, bugged

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0.1kg of lye is used to make 1 leather, I had 45kg lye, which should = roughly 450x leather (without fails)


So, I finally decided to test this "bug" out for myself and see just how bad it is.


out of 45kg lye, I managed to make.. 89x leather, yes, thats right, 89 pieces of leather. So, I lost out on approx. 361x pieces of leather.


Let alone the hide you lose as 4.5kg of hide is used to make 1x 3kg leather (though you get nothing besides leather)


Sorry for taking so long to pull my head out and test this for myself... but holy crap, how is it so broken?


Please get this fixed.


Also, seems the more lye you have activated (i used a 45kg batch) the more lye is used, as the weight went down, so too did the lye usage.


Workaround: put 12x grapes into a waterskin, then add the lye (only fits 1kg lye). This then only uses 0.1kg lye per leather AND only uses 3kg hide per leather.

Alternatives to the grapes are 12x onions or 83x corn. Other items probably work, these are just all that I have tested

Edited by Shadz

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I have a similar post earlier today here:



My experience was that using a jar (2kg) it  works properly.


I was also initially using a 45kg barrel and did not disciver what was happening until I had ruined a lot of resources =/

I did consider using a Jar, but didn't have one handy, and the 2.50kg lye in a water skin uses too much aswell :/ really stupid

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